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theres some words in hassen’s heart
哈森心里有句话  detail>>
theres something missing in my heart
我的心里好象失去了什么  detail>>
阿桑 哈桑  detail>>
say some kind words
说几句软和话  detail>>
take off some words
去掉几个字  detail>>
intimate words; heart-to-heart talk
知己话  detail>>
heart words of the wastrel
浪子心声  detail>>
words from the heart
心底的话  detail>>
不易打开,去理解 等多方面我要说我爱你 了彪炳 没什么,我们做斜面 没有意义告诉 手段和目的 太多痛苦 微笑当疼痛来临时 ...  detail>>
some words about credit card
信用卡小词典  detail>>
her words warmed his heart
她的话温暖了他的心  detail>>
her words warmed my heart
她的话使我心里感到热乎乎的  detail>>
so many words for the broken heart
破碎的心有很多话要说 心碎有太多的言语来形容 这么多字的一块心病  detail>>
you should learn these words by heart
你应该把这些词背熟  detail>>
some where in my broken heart
心碎深处  detail>>
hassen abdela
哈桑阿卜杜拉  detail>>
how can mere words my heart explain
任何语言都无法表达我的心意 我怎么来解释这几个字  detail>>
abou el hassen
阿布哈桑  detail>>